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Tag: permitting


One of our talented designers, Emily, also enjoys making pottery in her free time! We asked her about this passion of hers, and here’s what she said… “I love pottery because of its forgiving nature and meditative qualities. I can approach it with a plan, measure and weigh to ensure a specific outcome or I […]

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Check out these exciting new photos of Ugly Bagel – Nashville! πŸ₯―πŸ“Έ #TheArcade Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β 


During the Construction Administration phase, our team works diligently to ensure your project comes to life just as envisioned. From conducting on-site observations to answering RFIs, we’re actively involved in keeping the process smooth and efficient. We carefully review shop drawings, change orders, and pay requests to maintain quality and accuracy at every step. As […]


Welcome to D and E, Kaitlin! Kaitlin Fisher recently joined our team as a Project Coordinator. She is a graduate from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor’s degree in applied marketing and advertising with a minor in biblical studies. Kaitlin says that this role is a gift and that learning from her coworkers has been […]

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