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Author: d-and-e_admin

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Since we have employees from all over the country, we all handled the snow this past week a little differently… How are y’all doing???  

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We are excited to highlight the awesome development we get to be a part of, @mcewennorthside ! In their words: “Welcome to your new favorite neighborhood destination. Highly walkable and conveniently located to the heart of Cool Springs, McEwen Northside is a thoughtfully planned urban hot spot that’s home to a unique mix of popular shopping and […]

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This series will walk you through our step-by-step process of our one-stop-shop, nationwide design. The project we chose to feature is the Buffalo Wild Wings in Xenia, OH which we completed for BWW franchisee, Grube, Inc. We are so excited to see this project open back in November 2023 and look forward to letting you […]

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What an awesome time at our company Christmas party last week! It was special for us to be able to celebrate a great year at one of our restaraunts, @theriverhouserestaurant theriverhouserestaurant in Nashville! Thank you to all of our partners for making it a special year and cheers to another great one in 2024! 🥂

MEASURING (most recent)

Here’s a look into an integral part of our Due Diligence stage: performing as-built surveys of our projects. For existing buildings, this step is key to identifying the existing conditions, dimensions, and potential issues with a space. Our team creates a report and as-built drawing that will be used for the design and to aid […]

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Welcome, Marina, to DandE! Marina graduated from Kent State University and just moved to Nashville from West Virginia to join our Interior Design department. She already has some great experience under her belt as a young designer and we are so excited to have her at the firm! ⁣

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Our permitting specialists have been offering their services across 48 states with a total of 41 years combined experience. During the project, our permitting department executes the following: Due Diligence Reports, Permit Applications and Submittal Documents, Permit Expediting and Coordination, and much more. It is our mission to permit our client’s projects with as much […]

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Our team had a blast at our most recent company outing – the TN Titans Tailgate! We had it at @tennpinalley where we competed in the arcade for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, and then finished off the day with bowling. This time of year is filled with lots of activities and we are grateful to […]

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D and E was excited to tour some recently completed stores around Birmingham, AL with franchisee Tim Spencer. They have recently complete 2 new GO stores and upgraded several existing BWWs in the area. It is always fulfilling to see the finished projects! ⁣

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Halloween 2023!!! Arguably the most important day of the year in this office.

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